Changes take effect to the schedule NEXT WEEK will affect all orders placed from today (13th October 21) onwards.
The new schedule will be:
Order cut-off for the week will be on a Wednesday at 5pm.
Delivery & collections in Mangawhai will be on a Friday.
We need to change the day so I can work my new day job as well as continuing to do MGM deliveries in Mangawhai and along the Auckland border (at least while we are locked down).
To keep us all safe, I am getting COVID saliva tests every two days to be able to cross the border and to do deliveries for some of our customers who live semi-locally but just across the border. We have suspended our Auckland delivery run for now just to reduce risk. This means you can be confident we are doing all we can to prevent the spread of COVID. In level 3, your growers deliver
to our orchard for packing in a contactless manner and those of us who help to pack are masked and wear gloves. Many of you who get deliveries have seen me drive up, mask up, drop your order and run away!
As always, thanks for supporting local produce at a local price point.
Regards, Trudy
